

When it comes to tooth loss, a lot of people  consider dentures, however  this can be an inconvenient and uncomfortable. If you are looking for a more permanent option, a dental implant is the answer. Dental implants have an overall high success thanks to advancements in dental technology.  With proper care and good hygiene, implants can last many years. Dental implants are fast and easy solution for missing teeth  with minimum discomfort.

In modern dentistry most of the time are used titanium dental implants. In our clinic we use high quality implants which are produces in France and Germany.

The dental implant procedure typically involves two main phases: placement and restoration. For placement, a patient will undergo a minor surgery in which the implants are actually positioned within the jawbone.The surgery is short and painless (local anesthesia). Once osseointegration is occurred patient will return to our office for restoration,in which their new teeth will be attached to the implants in order to complete the smile.In the case of a single missing tooth we use implant-retained crown to restore it. For patients missing multiple teeth in a row, implants can actually be used to support a bridge as well.Implant-retained crowns and bridges can be cement-retained and screw-retained and can be made from different materials such as metal-ceramic and zircon-ceramic.


Bone graft materials are applied to replace and regenerate bone matrix lost by various reasons such as tooth extraction, cystectomy or bone atrophy following loss of teeth or inflammatory processes.During implantation in some cases when there is insufficient bone volume there might be need of bone graft materials.In our clinic we use botiss biomaterials which is one of the leading companies in the field of dental bone and tissue regeneration. Membranes are normally applied in combination with a bone graft material. The membrane is place over a bony defect filled with a bone graft material. The bone graft material prevents collapse of the membrane.The barrier membrane prevents migration of bone graft particles into the oral cavity, and ingrowth of soft tissue into the defect area, thus enabling bone regeneration.